Coastside Families Taking Action

We are working for a diverse, progressive, sustainable, and equitable Coastside.

We are a group of families devoted to making the San Mateo Coast a welcoming, supportive, active, and empowering place for children and families.


Our vision is a Coastside where differences are celebrated and all people feel welcome, supported, and empowered to be active in the community. We want our children to be civically engaged and learn their responsibility to make the world a better place


Our Activities and Goals

  1. Activate families to be present and participate in local government events.

  2. Advocate and organize to support programs and policies at the local, state, and national level that align with our mission

  3. Learn and share resources to create a supportive, inclusive, and equitable community. Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to): anti-racism, radical law enforcement reform, affordable housing, educational equity, gender equality, immigration reform, refugee advocacy and environmental and health policy issues.

  4. Partner with nonprofits, schools, local businesses, and other groups to bring education and community building events to the Coastside.

  5. Support local community resource groups through advocacy and volunteering. 

  6. Organize events and activities to celebrate our differences and provide a community for diverse families on the Coastside.


Upcoming Events.

Please join us for in person and virtual events on the Coastside


Here are some local and online resources we have put together for families.


Join us.

If you are interested in joining us, we would love to connect with you online or meet you at an event.