About Us


Coastside Families Taking Action (CFTA) is a group of families devoted to making the San Mateo Coast a welcoming, supportive, active, and empowering place for children and families. We are working for a diverse, progressive, sustainable, and equitable Coastside.

Declaración de la misión: Coastside Families Taking Action (CFTA) es un grupo de familias dedicadas a hacer la costa de San Mateo un lugar acogedor, solidario, saludable y empoderador para niños y familias. Estamos trabajando para una costa diversa, progresiva, sostenible y justa.


A Coastside where differences are celebrated and all people feel welcome, supported, and empowered to be active in the community. We want our children to be civically engaged and learn their responsibility to make the world a better place.  

Visión: Una costa donde se celebran las diferencias y donde todas las personas se sienten bienvenidas, apoyadas y capacitadas para participar activamente en la comunidad. Queremos que nuestros hijos participen cívicamente y aprendan su responsabilidad de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.

Activities and Goals

  1. Activate families to be present and participate in local government events.

  2. Advocate and organize to support programs and policies at the local, state, and national level that align with our mission

  3. Learn and share resources to create a supportive, inclusive, and equitable community. Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to): anti-racism, radical law enforcement reform, affordable housing, educational equity, gender equality, immigration reform, refugee advocacy and environmental and health policy issues.

  4. Partner with nonprofits, schools, local businesses, and other groups to bring education and community building events to the Coastside.

  5. Support local community resource groups through advocacy and volunteering. 

  6. Organize events and activities to celebrate our differences and provide a community for diverse families on the Coastside.

Actividades y objetivos

  1. Invitar a las familias para que estén presentes y participen en eventos del gobierno local.

  2. Organizar y abogar para apoyar programas y políticas a nivel local, estatal y nacional que se alineen con nuestra misión.

  3. Aprender y compartir recursos para crear una comunidad solidaria, inclusiva y justa. Los temas específicos de interés incluyen (pero no se limitan a): antirracismo, reforma radical de la policia, vivienda accesible, equidad educativa, igualdad de género, reforma migratoria, defensa de refugiados, problemas de política ambiental y de salud.

  4. Trabajar con organizaciones sin fines de lucro, escuelas, empresas locales y otros grupos para traer eventos de educación y de construcción comunitaria a la costa.

  5. Apoyar a los grupos de recursos comunitarios locales a través de la asesoramiento y voluntariado.

  6. Organizar eventos y actividades para celebrar nuestras diferencias y proveer una comunidad para familias diversas en la costa.

Leadership Council

The CFTA Leadership council contains up to 8 individuals who split administrative and leadership responsibilities. Current council members are:

  • Aisha Baro – Aisha is first and foremost a Mom to a vibrant preschool-aged girl. She moved to Half Moon Bay 11 years ago to join Genentech from Roche in NJ.  Recently, Aisha made a professional move to a young Biotech startup to commercialize a drug in disease areas which have a disproportionate impact on communities of color. The desire to even the playing field for underserved populations on the Coastside is also what drew her to join the Board of CFTA.

  • Phil Marshall - represents the Elections Sub-Committee on the CFTA Council.  He and his family have lived in Half Moon Bay for 10 years, and deeply appreciate the diverse community on the Coastside. Phil is a PhD scientist currently working in operations management, and enjoys gardening when he gets the time. 

  • Kate Broderick- Kate lives in Moss Beach with her husband Juan Pardo, son Pascal, Dad and dog named Duke. She is a lawyer, with a practice focussed on health law. Kate grew up on the coastside and chose to return to raise her family here. She believes the coastside is an amazing place and is dedicated to being a positive influence in this community. 

  • Stacy McCarthy- Stacy and her family recently moved to Arleta Park in HMB from Woodside, hoping to trade in her hiking boots for surfing gear. She is a serial entrepreneur having started 3 businesses and is currently an executive coach in tech and health care.  As in her work, Stacy believes that the best way to predict the future is to create it. She is honored to be a member of CFTA’s founding council and becoming active in justice and anti-racism.  She recognizes that we’re all learning so much about ourselves and our world at this time and invites us all into the conversation.  Let’s create the future together. 

Governance Document and Code of Conduct

The Governance Plan is the basic agreement between Coastside Families Taking Action membership and the CFTA Council as to how decisions that affect the whole group get made. Its purpose is to establish clear communication and transparent expectation-setting so that all members can trust the process and see pathways to successful participation that moves CFTA forward. The Code of Conduct is the agreed upon set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities for the Council and all Members of CFTA.

Governance Document and Code of Conduct

Operating Documents

Standard Operating Procedures for Political Endorsements