Election 2020 Resources


CFTA Voting Guide & Endorsements


CFTA Local Elections 2020 Voting Guide- in English and in Spanish.

Find out more about CFTA’s Standard Operating Procedures for Political Endorsements.


General resources

  • California Online Voter Registration

  • VotersEdge.org - Provides all (town, school district, county, state, federal) imminent and historic election information based on where you live

  • League of Women Voters- a non-partisan grassroots political organization, that has fought since 1920 to improve U.S. systems of government and impact public policies through education and advocacy, working towards the goal of "making democracy work.”

  • Ballotpedia- a non-partisan digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections with the goal to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. 


Coastside Specific Resources